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CCDB → Angiosperms → Melanthiaceae → Paris → Paris verticillata M. Bieb.
Name | Accepted Name | Gametophytic(n) | Sporophytic(2n) | Data Source | reference | ||
Paris hexaphylla Cham. | Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | 10 | IPCN65 | Sokolovskaya 1965 | |||
Paris hexaphylla Cham. | Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | 10, 15 | IPCN online | Sokolovskaya, A. P. & N. S. Probatova. 1985. Chromosome numbers in the vascular plants from the Primorye territory, Kamchatka, region, Amur valley and Sakhalin. Bot. Zhurn. SSSR 70(7): 997–999. | |||
Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | 20 | IPCN online | Hong, D. y. & X. y. Zhu. 1987. Cytotaxonomical studies on Liliaceae (s.l.) (1) report on karyotypes of 10 species of 6 genera. Acta Phytotax. Sin. 25: 245–253. | |||
Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | 15 | IPCN online | Krogulevich, R. E. 1978. Kariologicheskij analiz vidov flory Vostochnogo Sajana. V Flora Pribajkal'ja. 19–48. Nauka, Novosibirsk. | |||
Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | 10, 15 | IPCN online | Hong, D. y. & W. Sauer. 1990. Cytotaxonomical studies of the Liliaceae (s.l.) in the Changbai Mountains of northeastern China. Cathaya 2: 151–164. | |||
Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | 10 | IPCN online | Miyamoto, J., S. Kurita & K. Fukui. 1991. Image analysis of C-banding patterns in two herbs: Paris tetraphylla A. Gray and Paris verticillata M. v Bieb. (Liliaceae). Jap. J. Genet. 66: 335–345. | |||
Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | 10 | IPCN online | Miyamoto, J., S. Kurita, G. Zhijian & L. Hen. 1992. C-Banding patterns in eighteen taxa of the genus Paris sensu Li, Liliaceae. Cytologia 57: 181–194. | |||
Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | 10 | IPCN online | Miyamoto, J. 1993. The banding pattern of chromosomes in the genus Paris L., Liliaceae. P. 229 in XV International Botanical Congress, Abstracts. | |||
Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | 20 | IPCN online | Li, S. f. & H. Qi. 1993. Studies on karyotypes of some plants of Paris from Qinling-Bashan Mountains in Shaanxi. Guihaia 13: 342–348. | |||
Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | 10 | IPCN online | Miyamoto, J., N. Ohmido & K. Fukui. 1999. Physical mapping of 18S rDNA by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in the three species of genus Paris L., Liliaceae. Cytologia 64: 175–180. | |||
Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | 10 | IPCN online | Li, H. 1998. The Genus Paris (Trilliaceae). Science Press, Beijing. | |||
Paris hexaphylla Cham. | Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | 10 | IPCN66 | Sokolovskaya 1966 | |||
! | Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | 5 | IPCN66 | Liu 1966 | ||
Paris hexaphylla Cham. | Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | 5 | 10 | IPCN67-71 | ONO, R. &, T. MIDUTANI. 1952. Karyotypic studies in Paris hexaphylla Cham. J. Hokkaido Gakugei Univ. 7(1): 101-~ | ||
Paris obovata Ledeb. | Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | 10 | IPCN75-78 | llelaeva & Siplivinsky 1975 | |||
Paris obovata Ledeb. | Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | 15 | IPCN75-78 | Belaeva & Siplivinsky 1976 | |||
! | Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | 15 | IPCN75-78 | Krogulevich 1978 | ||
! | Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | 10,15,20 | eFlora | |||
! | Paris obovata Ledeb. | Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | 10, 15 | Fedorov, 1974 | Darlfugton 1941 | ||
! | Paris hexaphylla Cham. | Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | 10, | Darlington, 1955 | |||
! | Paris obovata Ledeb. | Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | 10, | Darlington, 1955 | |||
! | Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | Paris verticillata M. Bieb. | 5 | Cave1958 | Kurabayashi 1958 |